Small Spring Loaded Net Trap PTS590
Small Spring Loaded Net Trap PTS590
The Small Bird Net Trap is 590mm square.
It is manufactured in-house from galvanized mesh and light woven netting.
The trap needs to be placed flat on the ground for the bird to come in to the food tray and easier setting. The small Bird Net Trap comes with 2 trigger options the food tray and manual trigger. The food tray is sensitive and effective, please exercise caution when setting the trap. The swinging arm is spring loaded, once it fires the arms swings over and frills out the net
Great for swooping birds and most species from small birds.
If the Small spring net trap isn’t large enough there is a larger version. ** Large Spring Loaded Net Trap also available – 960mm square.**
Note: Centre trip pan activation is only suitable for single bird targets. If trapping more than one bird at a time, trap should be fitted with manual trip kit. Activate the trap when all birds are well inside trap frame area.
The manual trigger will need some sort of string attachment to it. So you can sit a distance away and pull it when your happy with the amount of birds in the trap.
See the trap setting demonstration video
For more information on the Bird Net Trapo give us a call!