The Hyperfire 2, now features cellular capabilities. (Reconyx Hyperfire 2 Cellular) Connecting to your cameras has never been easier than it is right now. The ‘Global Sim’ and ‘Everywhere app’ allows you to access the camera from, anywhere in the world. Through the app your possibilities are near endless, you can: Live view, remotely edit settings, turn on & off, take images, apply image recognition, and more. The large range of cameras feature different capabilities for specific applications. The cameras suit purposes such as: Anti-Dumping, illegal dumping, license plate captures, Wildlife monitoring, Security monitoring, Wildlife Research, General real time surveillance and much more.
The plans start at $5 USD per month. The subscription gives you 2000 images per month, live streaming capabilities, remote setting control and backed up images. More images per month are available for purchase in blocks of 2000. If you don’t want the Reconyx global sim option, but still want the quality of a Reconyx camera. It is compatible with Australian networks. This is enabled using a sim card, configuration is required, which we can set up for you. The local sim operates by sending images to your email.
For more information give us a call!