Russ Carman’s Canine Call
Russ Carman’s Canine Call
Russ Carman’s Canine Call – 1oz (approx 30mls) bottle
“Canine Call has a dual purpose as a long-distance call, which is the lure’s original purpose. But can be put directly onto a dirt hole set. Place the lure 3 inches high on a tree, bush, weed or surrounding plantation. As well as within 12 inches of the set. This is to get the animals interest in the tree rather than the dirt hole trap.”
“Try to avoid contamination or use with other lures or baits. It is best on its own. When temperatures reach below 5 degrees Celsius, use a quantity of half a 5-cent coin. Whereas if the purpose is long distance use a quantity of a full 5 cent piece.” (Russ Carman’s book ‘The Complete guide of lures and baits.) Refresh the lure every 10 days for an optimal effect.”
A very popular lure!
Species: Dogs, Foxes & Cats
For more information on Russ Carman’s Canine Call get in contact with us today!