Russ Carman’s Pro’s Choice
Russ Carman’s Pro’s Choice
Russ Carman’s Pro’s Choice – 1oz (approx 30mls)
Pro’s Choice is great for dogs and foxes but, works with cats.
Russ Carman’s Pro’s Choice is a digging lure, which makes it perfect for dirt hole sets. The fox and dog will dig out the hole four times its original size, when the lure is on the dirt.
“If you are trapping in an area that contains fox and/or coyotes with an occasional bobcat, this is the lure to use at 50% to as high as 75% of your sets. One of the few lures with an equal and deadly attraction to all three animals.
You can also depend on this lure on at least 50% to 95% of your bobcat sets as it is a bobcat lure supreme. It has an equal attraction to red or grey fox and is also attractive to badger, martin, and fisher.
Canadian trappers also report it is very deadly on the true wolf and lynx. Just shake it thoroughly before using. Good anytime on coyotes. Good from early October until they become rubbed on red and grey fox. This lure works best when used alone without bait. Use about a capful per set. Cut this amount in half during warmer weather. Renew once a week.” (Russ Carman’s – The complete Guide to Lures and Baits.)
Species: Primarily Foxes & Dogs, Works for Cats
For more information on Russ Carman’s Pro’s Choice get in contact with us today!