Russ Carman’s Magna Glan
Russ Carman’s Magna Glan
Russ Carman’s Magna Glan – 1oz (approx 30mls)
Magna Glan is a fox & dog lure with a loud and peculiar odour unlike any other lure. It is a good multipurpose lure with an equal and deadly attraction to canines.
Russ Carman’s Magna Glan is our recommended go to for your fox lure.
“A very deadly lure on red and grey fox, coyotes, bobcat, and racoon. Can be used at 50% to 60% of your fox and coyote sets, and 50% to 80% of your cat sets. A coon lure supreme making it a fine lure where more than one of the above species is found.”
This lure hardens under cold temperatures but remains effective. Proven deadly on Canid Pest Ejectors for both fox and coyotes.
“Proven very effective during warm weather for predator control work but is equal effective during cold weather making it a good all-season lure. Use a gob the size of a lima bean. Double that amounts during cold weather. Renew once a week. Best used without bait.” (Russ carman’s – The Complete Guide to Lures and Baits)
Species: Foxes, Dogs