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Spromise Replacement Antenna

Spromise Replacement Antenna

Spromise Replacement Antenna


SUITS S378 & S688

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Spromise Replacement antennas for are sold separately. In case damage occurs to the antenna or it gets lost. If damage is incurred make sure to check the pin in the antenna has not snapped off into the camera connection. If the pin is in the camera connection it could possibly break the cellular capabilites of the camera. To be sure you are welcome to send it to us for assessment.

This antenna is originally produced and used by Spromise wireless 3G/4G trail cameras. But are able to work with most cellular cameras. Alike the Spromise S378 most cellular cameras have a female antenna connection. This antenna has the capability of operating on both 3G and 4G networks. The preferable network for the camera to operate on is 4G. If the 4G signal isn’t strong enough the camera will switch to 3G and to send images. opposed to the camera only working on one network.

If you are purchasing this antenna for another camera, ensure the cameras is a female connection.

For more information on the Spromise Replacement Antenna get in contact with us today!

  • Bandwidth: 3G GSM GPRS
  • Frequency Mhz: 850Mhz, 900Mhz, 1800Mhz, 1900Mhz
  • Plug type: SMA Male
  • Long weight: 80 grams pre-tuned
  • Independence: 50ohms
  • Max power: 12 watts
  • Antenna type: Omni Directional
  • dBi gain: 3db

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