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Pole Syringe - 12cc

Pole Syringe – 12cc

Pole Syringe – 12cc


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Our Pole Syringe – 12cc screw on syringe pole has been manufactured in the United States.

It is designed to screw onto most standard threaded poles to be used as a pole syringe. The plunger and threaded pole head are made from a single block of aluminium for maximum strength and the needle guard is also turned from a single block of aluminium.

The disposable Monoject barrels and plungers allow for easy, inexpensive replacement of parts.

The 12cc includes 1 x 16 gauge 25mm long threaded needle. The 12cc also features an adjustable tip which allows you to vary the penetration depth from 3mm to 22mm, plus reduces the risk of bent and broken needles. Works with disposable or stainless steel needles.

Contact us for further information of the Pole Syringe – 12cc.

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